How to use Agio
Connect your web3 wallet to Agio (Download your web3 wallet here :
When you're selecting the asset you want to cover, like Ethereum (ETH), you'll find its corresponding ctokens displayed in a table below the swapping interface. For example, if you choose to cover ETH, you'll see CETH (covered ETH) listed in the table at a 1:1 ratio.
When you click on the "swap" button, you'll be prompted to pay a fee, which will be displayed to cover your assets (e.g., 5%). Upon payment, you'll send your original tokens and receive ctokens that mirror your original tokens at a 1:1 ratio. These ctokens can then be redeemed for your original tokens after the coverage period, or if you decide to sell the coverage in the open market.
Upon receiving your ctokens, our smart contracts continuously calculate the amount of $AUSD coverage you're entitled to, based on the price fluctuations of the asset your ctokens are mirroring.
At the end of the term, swap back your ceth for eth and you will receive your original tokens along with any coverage (in $AUSD) for losses you may have encountered during the fluctuations in price of your assets. It's important to note that ctokens are fully covered against any losses or fluctuations in USD price.
You also have the option to swap your ctokens prematurely for other ctokens, potentially gaining in the process. Here's how it works: if the initial fee you paid for your asset is higher than the fee associated with swapping your covered asset for a new one, you stand to gain $AUSD for each swap between different assets. For instance, if you initially paid a 7% fee for a cETH swap and then opt to swap for cBTC, which carries a 5% fee, you could potentially gain 2% (minus platform fees) on the swap.
Last updated